Find Your Path

Embark on your journey to vitality through personalized health coaching, group programs, and restorative solo retreats.


Welcome To Integrated Vitality 

Integrated Vitality is a collective of healthcare professionals who aim to empower you to achieve holistic well-being and vitality. Guided by a commitment to excellence and compassion, we strive to provide exceptional wellness programs, IV hydration services, and restorative retreats that enhance your life. With our integrated approach, we help you unlock your full potential for a balanced and thriving life.


You’re In The Right Place If...

  • You are ready to tackle your stress, anxiety, depression, motivation issues, or poor life balance to feel like YOU again and experience all life has to offer.

  • You are motivated to regain control of your life and no longer want to be defined or limited by your chronic conditions.

  • You want to reach your healthiest state by making better food choices and working out to improve your energy, confidence, and strength.

  • You feel like you know what healthy is but can’t get yourself motivated or into the proper routine without additional support.

  • You are over feeling unseen by doctors and are looking for a support system and community that will not only listen to you but uplift you to reach your goals.

You’re In The Right Place If...

  • You are ready to tackle your stress, anxiety, depression, motivation issues, or poor life balance to feel like YOU again and experience all life has to offer.


  • You are motivated to regain control of your life and no longer want to be defined or limited by your chronic conditions.

  • You want to reach your healthiest state by making better food choices and working out to improve your energy, confidence, and strength.

  • You feel like you know what healthy is but can’t get yourself motivated or into the proper routine without additional support.

  • You are over feeling unseen by doctors and are looking for a support system and community that will not only listen to you but uplift you to reach your goals.

How We Help You

We aim to inspire, support, and transform your life through personalized care, evidence-based practices, and focus on the mind-body connection. Ultimately, our programs are designed to help you thrive in your pursuit of optimal health and wellness.

We provide three paths that will set you on the right track to reach your ideal vitality. These different approaches offer the tools you need to implement sustainable lifestyle changes that get results. These paths can be used independently or concurrently.


Our Three Paths to Vitality:

Path to Resilience

A group wellness program for those with chronic conditions, pain, and autoimmune disorders so you can be supported while learning to live well and lessen the side effects of your condition



A 1:1 virtual health coaching program that provides you the support and practical advice you need to achieve your goals in the areas of mindset, spiritual work, exercise, diet & nutrition.


Personal Retreats

Independent retreat options where you can reserve a space in our serene wellness center for self-care, personal growth, and rejuvenation. Consider this your new calm place to work or recharge.


Our Team

Integrated Vitality is a business owned and operated by  experienced nurses and a physical therapist specializing in holistic strategies and overall wellness. To learn more about how our team can help you reclaim your life with their combined skill and experience, click the button below to check out our About page.


Start Your Path

Serious about reclaiming your health? If so, the first step is to schedule a chat with one of our team members! Schedule a complimentary wellness assessment where we will discuss the struggles you are facing as well as your current nutrition and fitness habits. We will offer personalized strategies and suggest which path will get you to optimal vitality. This free, no-obligation consultation will start you on the right wellness journey and help determine how we can best support your success!


Snag Our Go-To Wellness Freebies

Rise & Shine with Vitality

Learn the 5 steps to wake up early and start your day with energy, enthusiasm, and a positive mindset so you can reach optimal vitality!


Unlocking Resilience

Get the key tips for living well with a chronic condition so you can sleep better, improve your function, and calm your pain experience.


Stay Connected

Want to stay in the know? Connect with us on your social media platform of choice to stay updated about everything Integrated Vitality as well as free tips on how to improve your health & wellness holistically!